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News > General > Sidcotians Connect - Baby News & Congratulations

Sidcotians Connect - Baby News & Congratulations

Congratulations to Sidcotians and new parents Jack (S:2005 - 2012 ) & Kloe (S:2007 - 2012) Cooper-Hawes on the recent birth of their baby boy Charlie.
24 May 2024
Written by Rachele Snowden
Jack, Kloe & Charlie
Jack, Kloe & Charlie

Charlie was born on the 13th May. The couple were married in September 2022. Kloe is currently taking some time out of work to enjoy some time with Charlie. Kloe specialises in organisational change and effectiveness, and Jack is currently working with AstraZeneca, based in Cambridge. We wish them lots of happy times together as a family.  

Huge congratulations to Kloe and Jack and welcome to the world Charlie.   

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